
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Aurora May 14 – 18

We have had a busy week so far! Monday we had our music lesson where we continued to practice rhythm. It was also the first day we started writing letters. Every week we will practice a new letter. This week we started with the letter A and the students did a great job.
Tuesday we didn’t have swimming so we stayed at school to make a craft. In class we have been reading the book “Elmer” by David McKee. The story is about an elephant who is not gray but has many colors. He is different from his friends but that’s what makes him special. This goes along with our central idea and decided to make a craft from the story. We took small pieces of paper, glued them onto a bigger one and then stuck them onto Elmer to make him colorful. We had a lot of fun doing it!
今週火曜はスイミングレッスンがなく、教室でクラフトをしました。クラスでは最近、David Mckee作の「Elmer the Elephant」という本を読んでいます。灰色の他の象とは違って、とてもカラフルな色をした象にまつまるお話です。この象は他のお友達とは違いますが、そのことによってとても特別な存在です。この事は今のユニットで学んでいるメインテーマであり、そのテーマに沿ったクラフトをすることにしました。子ども達は自分の好きな色の紙を選び、糊で大きな紙に貼り付けました。それを廊下に貼ってある大きなElmerに貼り付けました。とても楽しい活動になりました!
Wednesday we had gym class which was a lot of fun! We stretched, and ran, and pretended to be different kinds of animals. After that the students split into two groups. One group made a train inside of a rope with the other group made a tunnel for the train to go through. Afterwards the groups switched. After our gym class we continued our lesson of same, similar, and different.
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Thursday we took the bus to the park. Once we got to Shonai park we practiced walking. They are doing a great job of walking together in a line. Friday we walked to a park close by the school and played there as well.
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Have a great weekend!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / Aurora May 14 – 18