
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Rainbow/Meadow May 7-11

Hello Dear Parents!
This week, we did an earthquake drill for the first time in the school year. It was great! All ISN members did a great job. We remember the three important things that we need to consider when the real earthquake occurs; drop, cover and hold on.
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Our little ones had fun in their Music Class. They clapped their hands and moved to the music. They like the song, “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes. They delightedly follow the teachers’ actions while singing. Their smiles are contagious.
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Oh yes! Rainbow and Meadow made their special craft for Mother’s Day. They appreciate their mummy’s love, and for that, they would like to give them flowers as a simple keepsake made from their hand print. So precious!
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Rainbow and Meadow had Gym Class together. The gym was filled with laughter and joyful noises as the lesson was on going. Our youngsters participated in all the activities except for a few who are still experiencing separation anxiety. Soon they will also enjoy the lesson. Look how they have spent their time in the gym.
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Rainbow has been learning how to introduce themselves. We read the book, “Me Myself” which is a perfect story about self introduction. After reading it, We asked  them a question, What’s your name? Everyone introduced themselves by saying, I’m Marlyn/ Ayako, etc. They also learned how to ask their friends’ name. What a good start for our little ones.
レインボーは自己紹介を習っています。子ども達に”Me Myself”という本を読んで説明をします。絵本の後に、”What’s your name?”と質問をすると、”I’m Marlyn/ Ayako”など自分の名前を一人ずつ言ったり、またお友達に”What’s your name?”と質問もしました。みんな上手にできました。
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Rainbow and Meadow had a great time playing in the park and in the sandpit together. Some of them enjoyed drawing lines or circles on the ground. What a good practice for fine motor skill.
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More exciting fun-filled learning activities are coming next week.
Have a wonderful weekend!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Rainbow / Rainbow/Meadow May 7-11