
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Rainbow February 19-23, 2018

Hello Dear Parents!
This week’s big event was the Swimming Open Day. Thank you for coming to witness the Swimming Lesson. Our youngsters promised not to cry before going to the pool, but a few of them couldn’t control their emotions. The good thing was, everyone was smiling again while we were on the bus heading back to school.
For this week’s lesson, we have continued learning about the “Five Senses”. We particularly concentrated on the sense of hearing. We sang the Five Senses song and we did a listening to the animal sound activity (sound of a dog, horse, duck, and cow). Our angels listened and after hearing the sound, they said, “I can hear a cow/ duck/ horse/ dog. They liked this activity a lot. We also learned the names of animals (elephant, kangaroo, polar bear, rabbit, snake, monkey, a」nd duck). I asked them to find the picture of the animal that I mentioned and of course our youngsters did it well. Well done Rainbow! For the alphabet, we focused on letters T, U, V, and W. We did a touching the letter game and yes! our angels were very proud for every “Good job” comment.[envira-gallery id=”148。07″]
Rainbow and Meadow had Gym Class together. Everyone has a lot of fun doing the activities. They liked the jumping over the snake-like rope and crawling under the rope.
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Rainbow and Meadow played in the sandpit and in the park together. They always find it exciting to discover new things outside.
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Have a great weekend everyone!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Rainbow / Rainbow February 19-23, 2018