
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Aurora Oct 23-27

This week we finished making our crafts for the Halloween party. The students are so excited for it and are always talking about it. It ties in very well with our unity of inquiry.
This week we are finishing up learning about patterns this week and will move on the addition next week. We had a fun activity where they students were given different shapes in different sizes and they had to make a patter with it by working together. With the help of the students we were able to make all sorts of patterns.[envira-gallery id=”11758″]
The park was fun as always. They all play so well together and show great co-operation. The walk there was fun too. We were singing our Halloween song for the party on our way to the park.[envira-gallery id=”11745″]
Next week we will be starting the next part of our unit about audible art. This is great timing as they will be starting their pianica lessons in music class soon. We will also be taking the first group to the art museum next week and the students are already getting excited for that as well. I look forward to next weeks blog to let everyone know how it went![envira-gallery id=”11753″][envira-gallery id=”11768″]

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / Aurora Oct 23-27