
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Milky Way August 7 – 18

During two weeks before and after the holiday, Milky Way at students enjoyed varieties of activities.
In Math we are coming to the end of learning about numbers, so we had fun activity while we review what we have learned.
Here are the pictures of MW being an icecream sandae owners!
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This activity attracted them just in a second and everyone was keen on making their sandaes. Each glass has the 3 digit number and you have to put vanilla (for hundreds) and chocolate (for tens) scoops and cherry with the ones number on top.
All the students were able to make the right amount of sandaes and most importantly they enjoyed it a lot.
At the end of the month we will have assessment using a flayer model. So we are currently working my on it!!
For IB lessons, our focus is “Where We Are in Place and Time”
We learned about neighbors, cities, prefectures and countries.
With the map of Nagano prefecture we listed up some names of the cities, towns and villages. Also we looked at the surroundings by prefectures around Nagano. MW were surprised to know there are 8 neighbor prefectures!
After the holiday we learned about food from around the world. How much food do they consume within a week? Is it more than how Japanese is people eat? What kind of food do they eat? We matched the pictures and the flags of those countries but that was quite a big challenge for them. This theme will be continued to tune to week.
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During our free time we rotate among three activities in a group; sight word fly swatter game, missing monster game and consonant combination dice game.
They are usually very excited to play those games so the time passes very quickly. Those games do not only brings joy but make their brain work while playing so we like it very much.
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For the writing lesson, we are making much more used to using past, present, and future tense. After we came back from Obon holiday, we wrote picture diaries with the topic of:
My holiday, my day and my weekend
We focused on more extensive writing focusing on what, with who, when, why , where, and how.
“During the holiday I went to the park.”
“Who did you go with?”
“I went there with my grandpa.”
“What did you play? How did you play?”
” I played hide and seek.”
In the classroom a lot of questions and answers were heard during our writing time.

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Milky Way / Milky Way August 7 – 18