
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Shooting Star Feb. 13th – 17th

This week in Shooting Star, we started a new unit of learning; Force and Motion.
Thanks to the parents who prepared toys from home, we enjoyed how we can move things and likewise how things move.
“How can you move your toy?” “What do you use to make it move?”
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After examining how their toys work, we discussed it in a group.
“I push the button/switch.” “I pull my car.” “I push the train.”
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Later on Ms. Bon explained about Force and Motion by reviewing our examination and discussion.
Force means push and pull.
Motion means moving from one place to another.
And then the students got to place their own toy into Push or Pull box.
They did a good job dividing them into groups of push and pull.
During the closing routine, we watched a video about how the things around us work with motion and force.
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As for the phonics lesson, we learned digraph th (voiced and unvoiced).
th is one of the difficult pronunciation for us, but many of the students now can sound it very well!
The words of the week are;
Voiced th… that, this, and than
Unvoiced th… thin,
The gym lesson this week was very fun!
We had a lot of running and exercise to make ourselves warmer.
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From February 17th, we are going to have Parents-Teachers Conference.
We are looking forward to talking about your children and discussing for our improvements!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / Shooting Star Feb. 13th – 17th