
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Rainbow Sept. 20-23

Sports Festival was a success and in behalf of the school, we would like to express our deep gratitude to all the parents who came and spared a little amount of their time despite of their hectic schedules. We thank all of them for being so supportive with their kids and with our school’s activity most especially. It wouldn’t be a success without the parents’ participation. We would also like to greet and thank all the grandparents who came and I hope you were all felt loved by your loved ones, your grandson/granddaughter especially. Happy Grandparents Day once again!
As we welcome the new season, the days are shorter and colder. It’s been raining the whole week and the kids couldn’t go and play in the park. But we got them covered, the kids have enjoyed the indoor play and were busy doing their craft. This week, the kids are still learning different kinds of food and the kids made a “Carrot Footprints.”
In our gym class last Wednesday, we did some new exercises and it was something different from what they’ve been doing in the last couple of months and they were all excited. It was fun!
I hope your weekend is great!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Rainbow / Rainbow Sept. 20-23