
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Rainbow July 25-29

Summer is fun! And yes! The kids are really having so much fun!
We are down on our last week for the sea animals lesson but we didn’t let that end without enjoying the sea creatures. During the week, the kids were so enthusiastic to fish and enjoyed it of course. On our free time (while waiting for our turn to use the pool), we gave the kids some coloring pictures of sea animals and have them color it. The teachers then cut each pictures and attached a paper clip on every pictures. We then improvised a fishing rod with a magnet made out of chopsticks. And there it goes, the kids went fishing! The kids were so excited and happy to fish sea animals.
During our “swimming open house” last Tuesday, the kids were so happy to see their parents while enjoying the pool and showed their moves and made their parents proud. But some kids started missing their parents and cried whilst doing the exercise. The others cried out the moment they got out from the shower when they noticed that their parents were no longer there. They started looking and calling out their mom’s name. Good thing, the “Five Little Monkeys” diverted their attention as it is one of their favorite song and it always make them jump and sing every time they hear that music. That stopped them from crying. No more tears then.
Oh well, the time has come and it’s time to bid farewell to one of our dear students. Where’s the good in goodbye? Goodbye is always the saddest part. It was a sad day for the Rainbow Class last Wednesday as Eita Matsumoto bid goodbye. But of course, he wouldn’t just leave without giving us a simple thing that would remind us of him. He gave a small pouch to all his teachers and was too sweet to give each students a toothbrush and handed it himself one by one and responded “welcome” to every “thank-yous” he got from his friends. How sweet and cute they are. Really! Anyhow, we really appreciate the short time he spent with us and the good memories that we’ve made and shared together and will definitely miss him. We wish him luck and his family a good journey in Hong Kong.
Time flies so fast and August is here! But before July ends, we celebrated all the kids birthday for the month of July together with Canyon and Aurora’s class. We didn’t have any celebrant in our class though but we did had a great time as the kids were well entertained by Princess (Ms.) Marlyn’s “A Whole New World” song and we dance altogether the “Ponyo” song right after.
To end our week and our last review with sea animals. Kids enjoyed the sea creatures matching game. I scattered all the sea animals pictures on the floor and gave each students another set and asked them to pick the sea animals that matches the picture that is on their hands. All did a great job and matched the right picture. Everyone were so happy for a job well done for remembering the names and the pictures of the sea animals and excitedly gave their high fives! They were so smart! Bunch of smart cuties in Rainbow Class!
This week, we’re going to learn new set of animals and I hope you guys are having fun reading this blog and had fun during the weekend!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Rainbow / Rainbow July 25-29