
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Halloween Party fun in the gym (Rainbow- October 24th-28th)

体育館での楽しいハロウィーンパーティー (レインボークラス 10月24日から28日より)

Hello everyone,


Welcome to another fun week of Rainbow class. We had a lot of fun engaging in nature. It was pleasant weather and we went to the park on foot. Our youngsters had a lot of chances to move their bodies, exerted their energy, climbed up and down the play structures, grasping tightly not to fall down.

On one of those days, we also went to the park by bus. It has been a while since we visited that park. The slide and the animal springer had long queues and children couldn’t wait to play. the kids. They had a lot of fun running and chasing with their friends and drawing on the sand.



Happy Halloween


Everyone’s awaited day is here! The Halloween party! The gym was full of princesses, witches, spooky monsters, and cute Halloween characters. The children wore smiles while holding hands with their parents and they looked fantastic in their fancy Halloween costumes. We started the program singing and dancicing the “ Creepy crawl” led by the older students. Game booths set up for the games and activities. When they got their stamp cards, they started roaming around and enjoyed the games. Everyone had a blast and went home with smiles with the surprise present at the end of the party. Thanks to all, the parents who made an effort for the kids.

みんなが待ちに待った日がやってきました!体育館はプリンセス、魔女、怖いお化け、そして可愛らしいハロウィーンの仮装した子供達でいっぱいになりました。子供達はお父さん、お母さんと一緒に手をつなぎ笑顔でハロウィーンの素敵な衣装に身を包み楽しそうでした。年長クラスのお友達による   ”Creepy crawl”の歌とダンスにより始まりました。スタンプカードをもらうとあちこちまわってゲームを楽しみました。みんな楽しんで終了時には秘密にしていたプレゼントをもらって笑顔で帰りました。子供達のためにご準備いただきました保護者の方々のお陰で成功に終わりました。ありがとうございます。

Comparing Fast and Slow


We ended our comparison lesson about Fast and slow motion. We prepared a cardboard ramp and the kids enjoyed running the car on it. They were able to say “It’s fast! It’s slow!“

子供達は速い、遅いについての比較の学びを終えました。段ボールで坂を作り、子供達はその上におもちゃの車を走らせて楽しみました。みんな “It’s fast! It’s slow!“ということが出来ました。

This month, we are learning the phrase “I’m 3 years old!” Our youngsters came in front of their friends with confidence when the teacher asked “How old are you?” They showed their 3 little fingers and say “I’m 3!”. Well said Rainbow students!

今月、”I’m 3 years old!” というphraseを学んでいます。子供達はお友達の前に出てきて、先生が”How old are you?”と聞くと自信を持って”I’m 3!”.と小さな3本指を見せて答えてくれます。レインボークラスのお友達、良く出来たね!

We have celebrated one of the student’s 3rd birthday . She looked happy when her friends sang ang greeted her “ Happy birthday“ We are excited to your everyday growth. Let’s spend wonderful days together.

Thank you for reading our blog.


Have a fantastic weekend.


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Rainbow / Halloween Party fun in the gym (Rainbow- October 24th-28th)