
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


It’s a Bus Trip Day! Milky Way 5/29-6/2

Once in a while, it’s good for students to spend a day out of school, explore new environments, collaborate with peers, and have fun. On Thursday, Milky Way class had a bus trip and everybody enjoyed the day.


On the bus, we sang the songs in our morning circle, not noticing we had reached our destination. First stop was visiting the small zoo at the park and we met various animals. The chatty parrots entertained us very well. We were also amazed with the peacocks who came closer to us and kept making sounds. We thought the peacocks loved to see us and said “Come back!”. We also saw three cute turtles and a flamingo.

バスの中では、朝のサークルタイムの歌を歌いながら行くと、いつの間にか目的地に着いていました😊まずは小鳥と小動物のエリアへ。入り口では、おしゃべりなインコがみんなをとっても楽しませてくれました。また、クジャクが私たちのすぐ近くにまで来てくれ、鳴き続けていたのにも驚きました。クジャクも私たちのことが好きなような気がして、「Come back!」と言っているように聞こえました!!かわいいカメ3匹やフラミンゴも見られましたよ😊

Next, we took a walk to the pond and played in the water. We felt how cool the water is, but we noticed some part of the pond where the water is warmer. They saw a worm in the water, picked up some stones, and used leaves as boats to float in the water. After that, they dried up their body with a towel and changed their clothes.


We then went to the picnic area and had our lunch under the tree. Everyone was very excited to show their cute and delicious lunch boxes. Thank you so much, dear parents, for taking time to prepare their lunch. They really enjoyed it!


Before letting them play freely in the playground, we divided the class into two groups to play sack race. They did their best to win their respective groups. Finally, we went to the long roller slide area and everybody excitedly slided down. What a fun bus trip we had!


Father’s Day is approaching soon, and we don’t want to miss the chance to thank our hard working daddy. Our class made a craft as a present for their dad. They completed a face outline using various materials and decorated the paper around with flowers. Happy Father’s Day to all dads out there!



On Tuesday, we planted some carrot and tomato plants in the school garden. They helped one another to dig the soil, transfer the tomato seedlings to the plot, put the carrot seeds in the soil, and put some fertilizers in the soil. Then we asked some questions about tomatoes and carrots. Thank you very much, Mr. Koyama, for preparing the garden and teaching us how to plant and take care of these vegetables.


That’s all for this! Thank you for reading our blog and have a wonderful weekend!


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