
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Rainbow:The eye of the beholder (November 6th~10th)

Welcome to Rainbow’s second blog of November. We are really loving the autumn weather.The cool temperatures encourage us to be more active!


Learning English phrases

This week we placed emphasis on conversing in short English phrases. One of the songs we sing during morning lesson time is called the “good morning song.” Rainbow students absolutely love this song! Part of the lyrics go like, “good morning how are you today?I’m happy, let’s play.” So I call 2 students at a time to go to the front of the class. One says,”good morning K, how are you today?” The other says “good morning R, I’m happy.” When we first started this it was a bit difficult for some of the students but now they can say the phrases smoothly! Whenever I ask them how they are indvidually they almost always say, “I’m happy!” Others say “I’m good!” This makes us very happy as teachers because it shows they understand what they are being asked.

今週は、ある短い英語のフレーズにフォーカスしながら一週間過ごしました。毎日歌っている、レインボーさんが大好きなお歌の一つに、”good morning song.”というのがあります。その曲中に、”good morning how are you today?I’m happy, let’s play.” というフレーズが出てきます。サークルタイムではこのフレーズを使い二人ずつクラスの前に立ち、一人が、”good morning 〇〇, how are you today?” と聞きます。相手のお友達が、”Good morning 〇〇, I’m happy.” と答え、会話をします。初めはぎこちない様子での会話でしたが、日に日に上達し、今ではとってもスムーズに行うことができるようになりました。日常的に個別にHow are you?と聞くと、ほぼ全員が”I’m happy!” や “I’m good!” と言ってくれるようになり、何を言われているのか理解していることがわかるので、先生としてとても嬉しく思います。

With the aim of encouraging the students to say as many English phrases as possible,the teacher also made a “conversation bubble” chart in the classroom. The students are happy whenever what they say is written onto the chart. This is proving to be a great motivator for them to speak English a lot.

また、クラス内でも”conversation bubble”チャートを作り、壁に貼り、子どもたちが英語を話すたびにチャートに書き留めることをし始めました。英語を楽しく話す、良いモチベになることを願います。


Eyes are one of the most important parts of the human body. They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I believe that perception and understanding of things vary depending on the beholder of the eye. Toddlers see things differently and that makes them unique. From this uniqueness their preferred styles of learning are decided. On Tuesday ,during afternoon circle time we made an eye craft. Eyes come in different sizes, colors and shapes.There were two main parts, a large circle and a small one. The students had to choose a color of their choice from the large part and everyone had to stick the small black piece onto the large one. We finished off by drawing eyelashes and eyebrows .Everyone did a good job.

私たちの体で目はとても重要なパーツの一つです。”beauty is in the eye of the beholder”(美とは見る人の目の中にある)ということわざがあるように、人が物事をどのように捉え、理解するのかは個々で違うものだと思います。小さな子供は物の見方が大人とは違います。だからこそ、ユニークで面白いのです。火曜日、午後のサークルタイムで目のクラフトを行いました。目は人によりいろいろな色があり、形も大きさも様々です。子のクラフトでは、2つのメインパートを準備しました。大きいのと小さな円。子供たちは数種類の色の違う目を選び、貼り付け目を制作しました。そのあと、出来上がった目にまつ毛と眉毛をクレヨンで描いて仕上げました。

Phonics and morning circle time

This week we were taught easy words that begin with the letter “L.” These are leaf, laugh, leg, log, lamp,ladder and lay. Since there is no “L” in Japanese,the majority of Japanese people naturally confuse “L” and “R” . But lucky for Rainbow students, they are at an age where If they learn something correctly it will stick with them. We will continue practising how to sound “L” through next week!

今週はLから始まる言葉を学びました。leaf, laugh, leg, log, lamp,ladder, layです。日本語にはLの発音がないので、ほとんどの日本人がLとRの違いに苦労をするといわれています。でも、レインボークラスの子供たちは幼少期から発音に触れているため、大きくなっても困惑することはないと思います。来週もこのLの音を引き続き学んでいきます。


This week we had lots of fun at the park!!We walked to the park behind 7 eleven on Monday and Tuesday and then on Thursday we went to North Shonai Park by bus. Thursday was a bit interesting because when we arrived at the park there was a group of kids from a different school already playing there. So we decided to take a short stroll around the vicinity until they left. It was our first time taking a walk without our ‘walking ring.’ Everyone did better that we had expected. Great job Rainbow!

今週は公園でもたくさんの楽しいことがありました。月曜日と火曜日は近くの公園へ徒歩で行き、木曜日にはバスで大きな公園に行きました。木曜日の公園は、先に別の園のお友達が使用していたので、公園の周りの住宅街を少しお散歩して歩きました。突然のお散歩に、Walking Ropeがなく、ロープなしで歩いてみました。先生の心配をよそに、みんなとても上手に歩くことができました!

We plan to begin rehearsing for the Christmas show next week.Below are the links of some of the songs we sang and danced to this week.



Have a joyful and relaxing weekend! Until next time, it’s goodbye from us.

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Rainbow / Rainbow:The eye of the beholder (November 6th~10th)