
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Aurora June 25 – 29

Monday we didn’t have music class but we did some writing before walking to the park. I was substituting in Shooting Star so admin helped us that day. For the afternoon routine the students practiced numbers. Ms. Shizuka wrote the numbers 1-20 on the board and when the students closed their eyes she erased some numbers. They had to guess which numbers were missing. They had a lot of fun doing this activity.
今週月曜日は、ミュージックレッスンがなかったため、ライティングの練習をしてから公園に出掛けました。私(Ms. Courtney)はシューティングスタークラスの代替えの先生だったので、アドミンの先生にクラスのお手伝いしてもらいました。Afternoon Circle Time では数字の学習をしました。Ms. Shizukaがホワイトボードに1~20の数字を書き、みんなが目を閉じている間にいくつかの数字を消しました。その後、みんなでどの数字が消えてしまったのか当てっこをしました。みんな一生懸命消えてしまった数字を考えて手をあげて答えていました。
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Tuesday there was no swimming so we did a craft. The theme of the class was Tanabata. Ms. Shizuka told the story first and then the students were able to do the craft. It took two days for all the students to finish the craft. We have it hanging outside the classroom for everyone to see.
火曜日は七夕飾りを作りました。Ms. Shizukaに七夕の紙芝居を読んでもらってから、製作を始めました。子ども達は折り紙に書いてある線に沿ってハサミで切りこみを入れ、青い紙テープの上に好きな色の星を貼りました。この日と、翌日の体操教室後の時間を使って、全員が七夕飾りを作り終えました。廊下に飾りましたので、送迎の際などご覧ください。
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Wednesday we had gym class. It was a very exciting day because it was the first time not running straight for the race. This time, the course was a half circle. It was a little difficult but they did a great job! They will be ready for the Sports Festival in no time! After gym class we had the students finish writing the letter G. Only a few were able to finish on Monday.
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Thursday was rainy for most of the morning and afternoon so we weren’t able to go to the park. We did some great indoor activities instead. The first thing we did was have our dental check up. After that we did some Sports Festival practicing. We have our exercise song picked out so we will be practicing it for the Sports Festival.
木曜日はほぼ終日雨だったので、公園には行けませんでしたが、室内で楽しく過ごしました。まずは歯科検診を終えて、その後スポーツフェスティバルで行う体操 EBI&KANI(エビカニクス)の練習を初めてしました。これから当日に向け練習をしていきます。
Friday we had the birthday party in the morning. The students look forward to this every month. We always have a fun time celebrating the students birthdays. After that the students went to the park.
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The first unit is over and we have been preparing for the next one. We are excited for this new unit and the activities to come. Have a wonderful weekend!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / Aurora June 25 – 29