
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Graduation Season! Milky Way 3/4-8

Hello March! March is a time for goodbyes in Japan, where the school year begins in April and ends the next March. One of the highlights of the year is the graduation ceremony, in which the school principal hands out graduation certificates. 


Milky Way class has been busy practicing for the graduation this week. Last Friday, we read their graduation speech to them and when we gave them a copy, they started to read it by themselves until they finally memorized it. We had a rehearsal on Monday with Rainforest class at the gym. It was their first time practicing together and we could feel that few of them got nervous during the practice. After some practice in the classroom, we can see them improving and becoming more confident! Aside from the “Message from Graduates”, they also have to say what they want to be when they grow up after receiving their certificates. “When I grow up, I want to be a ______!” To help them gain more confidence, let’s try to practice this at home with your child. Thank you!

ミルキーウェイクラスは今週、卒園式の練習に大忙しでした。みんなで写真を見ながらこの一年間でできたたくさんの楽しい思い出を振り返り、子ども達から出た思い出を基に、卒園式のメッセージが出来上がりました。先週の金曜日、このメッセージを読み聞かせ、コピーを渡すと、みんな自分達で読み始め、あっという間に暗記してしまいました✨月曜日にはレインフォレストクラスと一緒に1回目のリハーサルを体育館で行いました。合同で練習するのは初めてで、少し緊張している様子が見られました。クラスに戻って練習を重ねるうちに、少しずつ自信がついてきたようです!また卒園児からのメッセージとは別に、卒園証書を受け取った後、将来の夢を発表します。”大きくなったら○○になりたいです!” 自信をつけるためにも、お家でもお子さんと一緒に練習してみてください😊

We would like them to spend time with other students too before they graduate, so we have a simple farewell party for them. Starting this week from Monday to Thursday, we send 4 or 3 Milky Way students to Rainbow and Meadow classes to eat snacks and play together. Next week, they will also have snacks in Aurora class. For Shooting Star class, we went to the park together. They enjoyed walking partnered with Shooting Star students. They also had fun playing chain tag and jumped at the jump rope. Thank you for your time everyone!


Finally we finished our graduation craft, the eggshell mosaic! We were surprised with the result when we put them together. We are also excited to show it to everyone! Since we still have many remaining eggshells, we will make another eggshell mosaic which we will hang and display in the hallway. Each student chose a picture that they want to work on and we will start doing it next week.


That’s all for this week! Thank you for reading our blog and have a wonderful weekend!


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Milky Way / Graduation Season! Milky Way 3/4-8