
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Setting and Achieving Goals! MW 7/16-7/19

“Little goals are the best way to get kids moving toward big goals.” –Jim Wiltens

First thing in the morning, the Milky Way class gets busy thinking about their goal for the day. They write “Today, my goal is to _________.” in their notebook. The teachers ask them, “What is your goal today? and How can you achieve your goal?”. They keep it in mind and try to work on it during the day. In the afternoon, they reflect on if they were able to achieve their goals and what they did to achieve it. Writing their goals is also a good practice for them to improve or develop their writing skills.

Since we already started to practice for the Sports Festival, we also used this as part of learning our inquiry. Students drew their individual goals for the Sports Festival and wrote how they can achieve it. Most of their goal for themselves is to win in the race and according to them they will achieve it if they practice running, listen to the teacher, and run very fast. They also think of their goals as a team for performance practices, relay, dance performance, and overall Sports Festival. While doing these activities, we remember to be caring, communicators, and open-minded.

Our class was very engaged in our reading lesson on Wednesday. They used their thinking skills to share their prior knowledge about the book and guess what it is all about. They shared lots of ideas about flowers they like, guessing the title of the book, what they can read or learn from the book, and why people love flowers. Everyone is welcome to share their ideas and we accept all their ideas which is also a good way to encourage students to share their thoughts confidently. In doing this, we are also demonstrating the learner profiles we are focusing on in Unit 3 such as caring, communicators, and open-minded.

This week, Milky Way students drew the third stage of the life cycle of okra which is the seedling. We went to our garden to see the okra and drew the seedlings. It looks like it needs more time to see the ready to eat okra. We need more patience on watering them!

Thank you for reading our blog. Have a nice weekend!

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