
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Shooting Star Nov. 21 – 25

This week in Shooting Star, we had shared many feelings; sadness and happiness.
It was a very sad and heart-breaking day for all the Shooting Star children on Tuesday, November 22nd.
Ms Annette visited SS in the afternoon before she left for America for good.
First we showed her our Christmas Show play “The Wizards of Oz” which we have been practicing for almost 4 weeks. She was very happy to see them speaking out loud their lines, dancing and singing along the songs, playing very nicely. We will send her pictures and video of us playing on the real stage someday!
Then we had a nice walk along the forest side. Like we used to, Ms Annette showed us many interesting things, such as blowing dandelion seeds, small autumn insects, and so on. It was such a peaceful and happy afternoon walk.
When we got back to the school, Ms Annette gave us some presents from America. Many cool mini-cars and cute little animal dolls. We liked them all and will play with them nicely and carefully. Thank you, Ms Annette!
The time flied so fast and it was already time to say good-bye to her. We had a thanks cards for her, so we shared with her and each of us read her messages, such as “Thank you,” “I love you,” and “I will miss you.”
Such as tearful moment, but we will surely see her again someday! Thank you, Ms Annette, for all your kindness, lessons, and love. We will miss you.
Hooray! We have snow here in Matsumoto!! On Thursday, November 24th, we played in the snow for an hour!
Snowball fight, making snowmen family, eating snow(?!), and “Snowman is watching you” game, and so on. We had a joyful afternoon in a beautiful white world!
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日は変わり、木曜日はなんと雪!!朝から大興奮の子どもたち、午後の時間に1時間ほど雪で遊びました!雪合戦したり、雪だるまの家族を作ったり、「雪だるまが見ている ~だるまさんが転んだ~」で遊んだりと、楽しくてあっという間に過ぎてしまいました。
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TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / Shooting Star Nov. 21 – 25