
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


In Aurora, we listen, learn, and enjoy! (April 20-24)

In Aurora class, we look forward for everyday’s exciting activities! It was a fun-filled week for our boys and girls!


Reading stories to children is one way to develop their English language skills. Through listening, they get to know more sounds and words that will increase their vocabulary. We read books that are appropriate for their age in which they can relate and be able to share their ideas. Two of them are Who Am I, and It’s Okay to Be Different. These books are connected to our UOI lesson.

絵本の読み聞かせは、英語力を伸ばすための学習方法の一つです。リスニングを通して、発音や読み方、そして英単語をたくさん学ぶことができます。3、4歳児のレベルで、UOIレッスンの内容にも関係する本を選んで読んでいます。一つはWho Am I「私は誰?」、もう一つはIt’s okay to be different「人と違っても大丈夫!」です📕📚


Who Am I is a children’s story book in which little Sam explains the question “Who am I?” He talked about the parts of his body, what he likes, family, and friends. At the end of the story, he introduced his very own MINI-ME and he called it Mini-Sam. With that Aurora students drew their own faces and we called it Mini-Me. We looked at the mirror and tried to copy our faces by drawing some hair and eyes, and coloring mouth and skin.

Who Am Iという本は、主人公のサムが自分のことを説明する絵本です。自分の体の部分、好きなもの、好きな家族や友達のこともみんなとシェアします。本の最後にはミニミー(Mini-Me)のミニサムを紹介します。UOIレッスンではこのミニミーをみんなで作ってみました!鏡を見て自分の髪型、目、口、肌の色(特徴)をクレヨンを使って描いてみました🖍


It’s Okay to Be Different tells about the different qualities of people that we should consider as special and important because that’s who we are.



We also reviewed the different parts of the body by completing the puzzles. Each student was given a piece of puzzle and put it in missing part of the body.


Music class was very fun, too! We are doing better in playing castanets with the right timing of tappings and stops. We moved along the rhythm of music by walking, running, swaying, and stop moving. It was more interesting when colored cards were added! When the music stopped, our instructor would call out a specific part of the body and we had to place the card on it.


In Phonics, we did Letter A Hunt. In each table, students were asked to look for letter A’s and encircle them. We remind them, “Once you are done, please pass the marker to your friend next to you and let him look for a letter A.”


We practiced to write uppercase letter A and number 1. We are using crayons for writing. We have to follow the guides in writing such as numbers, lines, and arrows. Letter A has 3 strokes and we traced the broken lines to form A. Number is just a straight line from the top to bottom following the arrow downward.


It was rainy on Monday, we weren’t able to go outside but we did indoor gross motor activity. We acted as bunnies hopping in the rings! Bunny hop, hop, hop!

月曜日はあいにくながら雨☔️ でもオーロラさんは雨でも元気いっぱい!ナップルームを使ってエクササイズをしました🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️
ウサギさん、ホップ、ホップ、ホップ!ウサギさん、ジャンプ、ジャンプ、ジャンプ🐇 と〜っても元気で可愛いウサギさん達でした🐰❤️

Next day, we had a good day at the park! We practiced walking for minutes and enjoyed the playground structures! There were swings, and slides!


Three of our dear students had turned 4 years old this month. We didn’t have a big party for them, but we celebrated their birthday together with their friends by singing a birthday song and giving them card! Once again, happy happy birthday, April celebrants!

オーロラさんの4月のお誕生日は、なんと3人もいました!他のクラスのお友達と一緒にお祝いできなかったけど、3人とも一足先に4歳になってと〜〜〜っても嬉しそでした❤️ クラスメートがハッピーバースデーソングを歌ってくれ、担任の先生からのメッセージカードももらいました♬ お誕生日おめでとう🎂🎉

Everybody was shocked on the earthquake happened yesterday. It is very important that our children are mindful of what to do when there is an earthquake. Students were reminded the following: During earthquake, they needed to go under the table to protect themselves from possible falling objects. Stay calm. Do not make a noise. Listen to the teachers’ instructions. Line up quietly, and go to a safer place.


Thank you for reading our blog! Have a wonderful and safe weekend!


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / In Aurora, we listen, learn, and enjoy! (April 20-24)