Welcome to our first blog for the month of December!
This week, we had a puppet show at ISN Minami campus. “HOBOS” came to capture the heart of the whole ISN community and took us into an exciting world with their fun talk and performance. The story was about Chuko’s Wedding and the base story was “The Bride of a Mouse.” Everyone was fascinated by the puppet show and was curious about the characters that appeared one after another. Chuko, the mouse’s father wanted to give her daughter to the strongest man in the world in marriage. But, it turned out that the perfect match for her is Chuta, also a mouse. We all loved to see something that we knew was not real, but seemed to come to life before our eyes.

We had a Gym lesson and for the first time, we played with jump ropes. The students pretended that jump ropes were snakes, and they had to jump without stepping on them. Students engaged with excitement while keeping in mind to remain communicators all the time by listening to instructions.

For Phonics, we learned the -ox word family; fox, pox, box, sox, and lox. After a short recap of our previous lesson and class discussion, students were tasked to answer the matching type worksheet by themselves.
Finally, we had so much fun playing in the park and we got the chance playing with Milky Way class. We also spent time playing in the schoolyard.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone.