Welcome to Aurora’s third blog of the month. This week was also busy as we dedicated our time and energies into practising our christmas show lines and the songs and dances we will perform. The closing song talks about figgy pudding and so some students kept on asking,”hmm figgy pudding??What’s that?!” Figgy pudding/Christmas pudding/Plum pudding is traditional British dessert. It is made with dried fruit and alcohol. Christmas is about figgy pudding and all!😄
オーロラの今月3回目のブログへようこそ。今週も、クリスマスショーのセリフや歌、踊りの練習に時間とエネルギーを費やし、大忙しでした。エンディングの曲では、Figgy puddingの話が出てくるので、Auroraさんたちは 「フィギープディングって何?」と何度も聞いていました。フィギー(いちじく)プディング、クリスマスプディング、プラムプディングはイギリスの伝統的なデザートです。ドライフルーツとラム酒などのアルコールで作られます。クリスマスといえば、フィギープディングでしょう!😄

U.O.I- L.O.I 2 What do you think these gestures mean and why?
In our quest to delve deeper into the inquiry of different types of body expressions, we talked about gestures. The plan is to start off with the simple and basic ones and then take it a step further by talking about gestures from around the world; their similarities and differences. The main take away was that gestures might mean one thing to A and another to B.

Phonics- U
The words we learnt this week are underground, udder, umbrella, under, up and upset.
今週のフォニックスレッスンは「U」underground(地下), udder(乳), umbrella(傘), under(下), up(上) and upset(動揺する)

For music this week, we were taught new songs related to snow and winter. Yukiya konko arareya konko.🎶 The students also did a hula hoop activity where they had to jump a certain number of times to the tune of the piano and then shout “in” as they jumped into the hula hoop and vice-versa. Everyone laughed really hard as they couldn’t contain their joy!
今週の音楽のレッスンは、雪と冬にちなんだ新しい歌を教えてもらいました。雪やこんこんあられやこんこん🎶 また、Auroraさんたちは、ピアノの音に合わせて一定の回数ジャンプし、フラフープに飛び込んだり、逆に飛び出したりするアクティビティを行いました。みんな喜びを抑えきれずに大笑いでした!

Moos and coos over🐮 at the craft workstation
The students still remember what we talked about in Unit 2- products animals give us. Whenever they drink milk or eat dairy products they say, “thank you cow.” So they enjoyed remember what we talked about in Unit 2- products animals give us. Whenever they drink milk or eat dairy products they say, “thank you cow.” So they enjoyed making cows😂. Someone exclaimed, “this looks like an alien!” Kids” pure honesty is very refreshing. 😆
Auroraさんたちは、ユニット2-動物が私たちに与えてくれるもの-で話したことを今でも覚えています。牛乳を飲んだり、乳製品を食べたりするたびに、「牛さんありがとう 」と言います。というわけで、クラフトコーナーでは牛を作るのを楽しみました。「これ、宇宙人みたい!」と誰かが言いました。子どもたちの素直な気持ちは、とても清々しくかわいらしいですね。

Enjoy your weekend!

Below are the links to the songs we sang and danced to.