


Aurora: Fully milking a cow [August26th-30th]

Hi everyone!

Our third line of inquiry officially began on Monday last week . It is “the importance of animals to us”. As part of inquiring and researching on this topic, we all had a chance to milk a ‘cow’ on Wednesday morning . A man from JA Matsumoto explained how milk is milked from cows and how it is stored for use later on . It is said that “if you don’t milk a full cow fully, it falls sick”. This made perfect sense by the end of our U.O.I. The man explained that dairy cows can produce 40 litres of milk a day. That they have to be milked dry otherwise it will affect their supply and eventually their health.They spend most of their time eating in order to be able to produce these large amounts of milk!! Aurora students all got to touch and smell the food eaten by cows.Pellets and different types of hay. Most of them said it was smelly and that they felt like puking ,but the man explained that to cows these are all delicacies! It was interesting to know that cows start producing milk after they give birth. We recognised a similarity between humans and animals. We all learnt quite a lot and we felt like real KNOWLEDGEABLE individuals !

The next day we reflected on this cow milking experience and talked about the types of foods that are made from milk.

Birthday Party
There was a birthday party for students born in August.
F turned 4 years old! Happy Birthday!!

Lion craft

On Thursday morning we did a lion craft and showcased our cutting skills.


The song about fireworks and summer was a hit this week, as everyone sang their hearts out!

Please be mindful of the fact that summer is almost at an end and autumn will be here soon. It is during seasonal changes that most of us fall sick easily. We will visit a farm on Thursday and learn about chickens from a farmer so please take care of yourselves so that we can all be there.Have a restful weekend.

Below are the links to the songs we sang and danced to this week.

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