Hi everyone!
It goes without saying that the highlight of our week was Friday’s Halloween party. The costumes on display made everyone very excited!Each and everyone of us definitely had pumkin (something) to talk about!!

Phonics and the letter R
This week the teacher introduced words that begin with R. Ring, rainbow, rain, rocket, robot, ribbon, rock and run are some the words we added to our vocabulary bank this week. Since this Friday wasn’t a regular school day, we will have our writing lesson next week Friday.
Ms.Airi taught the students how to straighten up after doing somersaults.

U.O.I and acorns
The students used acorns to make an autumn wrath for their Unit of inquiry lesson this week. They had to glue acorns onto their initials. For example Ciara would shape a C with the acorns. The skills needed for this craft were coloring, fingertip usage and alignment skills. There are lots of craft activities out there and not enough time for us to cover them all in Unit 3. So we will continue experimenting with various skills throughout Unit 3 and move onto LOI2 (different types of body expression) next week.
Auroraさんたちは今週のUnit of inquiryで、どんぐりを使って秋のクラフトをしました。ボンドを使いどんぐりを自分のイニシャルに貼り付けました。この工作に必要なスキルは、色塗り、指先の使い方、位置合わせのスキルです。世の中にはたくさんの工作がありますが、ユニット3ですべてをカバーするには時間が足りません。そこで、ユニット3の全期間を通して様々なスキルを試し続け、来週はLOI2(様々なタイプの身体表現)に進む予定です。

Outside play and park
We played outside and had fun at the park this week.

There might be other halloween parties set to take place around town over the weekend. Please try to take it easy. Get enough rest and be ready for another week of fruitful learning next week.
Have a great weekend!