In one of her famous novels, Elizabeth von Arnim wrote, “walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see different things in life.” This proved true on Thursday ,as we walked to a park near campus. The students spotted a crane and they started asking lots of questions. Such as, “what is that man doing over there”, “why is it going up high like that” and so on. It just so happened that our LP for that day was INQUIRERS -the students were inspired to ask lots of questions about transportation by the crane they saw!
Setsubun craft
The students kicked off the week by making ‘baskets'(containers) they will use to put the beans meant for throwing at the ogre.

UOI:Land, water or air?
The students did their based to categorize vehicles based on their mode of movement(land, water,air). As they did the sorting activity, it was evident that the classroom was full of KNOWLEDGEABLE individuals.

The students chose which instrument they would like to play at the music concert. Half of them chose the bell and the other half chose the castanet.


Afternoon circle exchange program
今週はOfficeからMs.Nakakoが午後のサークルタイムに来てくれました!子どもたちが大好きな絵本”From Head to Toe”を読んでくれました。Auroraさんたちは口々に”I can do it!!”と言い、まねっこできることを得意気に披露し、とても楽しい時間を過ごしました♪Thank you! Ms.Nakako💛

Tuesday the 28th is swimming open day. The students look forward to showing you how much their ‘swimming’ skills have improved since April 2024🏊