A message is delivered more powerfully If body expressions are coupled with it! This is our main train of thought as we navigate our second line of inquiry. We first focus on facial expressions and then move on to bodily movements/ gestures. Christmas show is around the corner and we plan to begin rehearsing sometime soon. As we talk about what it means to express oneself, we have also been practising how to be confident and how to ‘perform’ in front of our classmates to drive home the point.

Leafy craft
As we wrapped up our first line of inquiry, we did a craft using leaves. We plan to decorate our windows/ walls with the cute little items.
LOI 1の探究の締めくくりとして、葉っぱを使ったクラフトをしました。落ち葉の色、におい、手触りを通して五感をフルに使うクラフトになりました。今後もかわいい子どもたちの芸術作品で窓や壁を飾る予定です。

Experimenting with science
For the October birthday party, Ms. Fronie prepared a science experiment for the audience’s entertainment. She used baking soda and vinegar to inflate baloons! Happy birthday to 2 Aurora girls, R and K. May this year be filled with nothing but the best for you two.

Playdate with Shimauchi’s Canyon class
On Thursday we went to Yoshikawa park for our playdate with Canyon. Everyone had fun and tried to mix and mingle with unfamiliar faces. Hopefully these collaborative events will contribute positively to the students’ social development!
木曜日は島内キャンパスの年少クラス、Canyon のお友達と一緒に芳川公園へ遊びに行きました。一緒に手をつないで歩き、遊んでいるうちに自然と仲良くなっていました。あっという間に楽しい時間は過ぎ名残惜しそうな様子でした。

Jellyfish and cupcakes
On our workstation craft corner, we made jellyfish and cupcakes. Everyone is very engrossed in making crafts they always head to the craft corner first. It seems like all they need is their barley tea and scissors these days!Ha ha ha.

Everyone moved their bodies to the best of their abilities!

There seems to be a strong strain of the flu doing rounds around campus.Please take care of yourselves. Stay healthy so that you can reach your full potential next week!Have a great weekend!