Hi everyone!
This week was a busy one for all of us! As evidenced by the blog title,we have come to a final decision regarding our Christmas show play. We have been discussing stage performances and watching videos about the shoemaker and the elves story for quite a while now. Thus the students chose the characters they want to be and have started rehearsing their lines together as a class. The main takeaway from our inquiry this week was that speaking in a loud and clear voice during a performance is the key to delivering a great show.
The shoemaker and the elves is a story about a poor shoemaker who receives much needed help from three kind elves.The moral of the story is to always be thankful and grateful in life.It also teaches us to work hard and teaches us the importance of helping those in need. Thinking of this in the context of Learner profiles, it can be said that the story teaches everyone to be CARING individuals.
今週はAuroraさんたちみんなにとって忙しい1週間でした!ブログのタイトルにもあるように、私たちはクリスマスショーの劇について「The shoemaker and the elves.(靴屋の小人)」を演じることに決定しました。靴屋と妖精(小人)の物語をビデオで見たり、舞台について話し合ったりしてきました。こうして、Auroraさんたちは自分のなりたいキャラクターを選び、クラスでセリフのリハーサルを始めました。今週学んだ最も大切なことは、演じるときに大きな声ではっきりと話すことが、素晴らしいショーを提供する鍵であるということでした。

Phonics and the letter T
The words that were introduced to us this week include tongue, tick, tractor, tomato, telephone, t-shirt, television and teapot.

This week we had our lesson at Kotobuki gymnasium. The ride was longer than we are used to but everyone had a blast as usual!

Hop little bunny
At the workstation craft corner this week everyone was busy make cute little bunnies!

Farewell to our dear friend I
Thank you for the few months we spent together. We made many great memories as a class and although it’s hard to say goodbye, we are thankful for the fun you brought to Aurora class. We wish you all the best in your next chapter❤️☀️✌️


Our next central fitness lesson is on the 19th so please be sure to come prepared.
Have a nice weekend!

Below are the links to the songs we sang and danced to this week.