
Minami Matsumoto Preschool

Minami Matsumoto Preschool

Aurora: What am I?(Feb 3-7)

The students wrapped up their first line of inquiry by figuring out the vehicles that transport people and those that transport merchandise. They took it a step further and talked about the different types of goods transported by certain vehicles. To wrap the lesson up, they did a guessing game, where they had to guess the name of the vehicle based on descriptions given by the teacher.

今週Auroraさんたちは、人を運ぶ乗り物と商品を運ぶ乗り物について考え、LOI 1の探究を終えました。

Valentine’s chocolate craft

The students made valentine’s craft with the aid of one marble , paint and a basket! They all enjoyed this a lot!


Have a nice weekend!


Below are some of the songs we sang and danced to this week.


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