


Enjoy learning shapes(September 5-10)

Hello everyone,

The summer heat has eased off and the smells of autumn and a pleasant breeze can be felt.


The September month starts! We are excited to welcome the season with a smile and go out to feel the cool breeze. We enjoyed sunny days strolling outside the campus. Our youngsters were amazed to see different colors of flowers. Early autumn flowers are beautiful that make the kids stop and stare at them. They pointed and mentioned their colors, red! yellow! pink! purple! We also saw butterflies and noticed the rice are ready for harvest. Our youngsters said ” Good smell!”

9月がスタートしました。 笑顔で季節を迎え、涼しい風を感じにお出かけするのが楽しみなこの頃。晴れた日は、キャンパスの外を散歩して楽しみました。こどもたちは、様々な色の花を見て驚いていました。初秋の花は、子どもたちも思わず立ち止まって見入ってしまうほど美しいです。Red!Yellow!Pink!Purple!と指をさして色を言っていました。また、蝶を見たり、稲刈りが始まっていることに気づきました。こどもたちは「いいにおい!」と言っていました。

We started our week practicing for the coming Sports Festival. Our little superheroes had a lot of energy for the race relay and ball throwing. That day was too hot and our youngsters sweat a lot but still, they wanted to do some little exercise.


Let’s learn the ” Shapes” and Alphabet

New month, new lesson. We are learning shapes this month. Our little learners enjoy dancing with shapes song before starting the lesson. This week, we have introduced “square” and “circle”. We prepared a drawing of shapes and the kids matched the appropriate shape on it. Another activity was picking up the objects in the box and saying their shape and stick on the appropriate shape on the wall. Kids loved this activity. For the alphabet, we are now learning J, K, and L. I can many hands raising and I can hear me! me! me!. That’s how our youngsters love learning the alphabet very much. We asked each of them to come in front of everyone and they are very proud to pronounce each letter. Good job, Meadow!

新しい月、新しいレッスン。今月は「Shapes(図形)」を学びます。レッスンが始まる前に、子どもたちはShapesの歌に合わせてダンスを楽しみます。今週は、”square “と “circle “を紹介しました。図形を用意して、こどもたちはその上に適切な形を合わせました。もう一つのアクティビティは、箱の中に入っているイラストを取り、その形を声に出します。そして丸か四角か、適切なグループに貼り付けていくものです。こどもたちはこのアクティビティをとても気に入っていました。アルファベットは、今、J、K、Lを学んでいます。たくさんの手が挙がり、Me!Me!Me!と聞こえてきます。みんなアルファベットの学習が大好き。一人一人、みんなの前に出てきてもらい、それぞれの文字を得意気に発音しています。メドー、グッジョブ!

We welcomed a new friend who joined the class this week. His friends were so kind and gentle to him. Let’s enjoy learning and playing!


Thank you for reading. Have a wonderful weekend.


We have

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