


Caring for our pet beetle-Shooting Star-July 8th-12th

Hello everyone,

This week everyone in Shooting Star class got a pet beetle. We strived to be risk-takers and caring by touching and feeding our pet which teaches us being responsible and gives us the opportunity to love our pets. We started feeding our pet beetle with banana and jelly and to our surprise, they can finish it in one day. On Fridays, we will take our pet beetle home to be taken cared of over the weekend.

今週、我がクラスにかわいいかわいいペットがやってきました~!そうです!カブト虫です✨笑。一人一匹、自分のカブトムシを手にした子どもたちは、それはそれは大喜び😊💖ジーっと眺めたり、つんつんと触ったり、最初は触れなかった子が、今や私より堂々と掴むことも出来ています( ゚Д゚)!!カブト虫のお世話を通して、生き物を育む気持ちや責任感が育ってくれると嬉しいです💖これから毎週末持ち帰ります。ご協力よろしくお願いいたします🥺

It’s playdate time! Shooting Star headed out to Shimauchi campus for a playdate with Savanna class. Upon entering in the foyer, there were exchange of greetings around the lobby area. Everyone was so excited for the social occasion. We started our activities by getting to know each other. We sat in a circle and introduced ourselves to everyone. Then, after a short orientation, we quickly changed our clothes and headed out to the school yard ready to play with mud. Countless collaboration, communication, sharing and cooperation took place while we were playing with mud. When the teachers asked, What are you making? Students answered, We are making a chocolate cake! After mud play, we washed our body with soap, changed our clothes and had a good lunch together. After lunch, we got the chance playing with toys before going back to Minami campus. Thank you, Savanna class. We had so much fun.


For our UOI, after finding out what our inquiry-based learners want to learn, we began exploring about the insect body parts. We kicked off our lesson with a song, Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes. Then, after a short review of human body parts, students were challenged to think if insects have also body parts which a few students said, Yes. With that in mind, we worked collaboratively in a group of four/five people to find out the insect body parts. Each group were given an A3 size photo of insect; bee, ant, cricket, and firefly and the written body parts names and challenged to be thinkers by matching the names with the pictures. Students strived to be thinkers and communicators while doing the task. This activity will be continued next week. We will find out precisely the insect body parts.

UOIでは、虫のbody partsについて学びました。みんなに手や足、目があるように、虫の目や足はどこだあろう??みんなには羽やアンテナはある?などと話しながら、各グループごと虫の写真を見ながら、どこが何なのか考えました。来週は答え合わせも兼ねて、引き続き昆虫のパーツについて探求していきます。

We went to the gym and had so much fun with our activities. We practiced the race a bit and the bridge exercise. We are so into practicing for the parachute performance.


We learned reading the -ed word family this week. Students were put into groups to build the CVC words. Our reading skills are getting far better.


Have a great weekend everyone.

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