Welcome Back, Everyone! Another Week of Fun and Learning Awaits!
We started the week by having a birthday party for this month’s celebrators. Everyone had a great time and was astonished by Ms. Chifumi’s “What’s in the box guessing game”. We have one celebrator from our class and she was delighted to receive a card and a crown on her head. Happy birthday to our dear little one!

We made a craft for the coming “Doll’s Festival” event. Our little ones drew the faces of a boy and a girl and stuck them on the paper cup. They clothed the boy with soft blue paper and pink for the girl. The activity went well and they were proud to show it to their parents.

There is nothing special as spending moments together. Our little ones had fun playing with the animal toys we brought into the classroom. They were excited to start playing so they tried their best to do their task quickly so that they could start playing. Have a glimpse of the indoor freely play they enjoyed with their friends.

Gym day. Stay healthy, and keep warm!

Goodbyes are not forever. It made us sad when the friend from the class moved. It was her last day today and we had a little farewell party. All her friends gave her a hug to express how they loved her. We are saddened but we are looking forward to seeing you again. We love you!

We reviewed the color lesson and did some activities to recall what we had learned. They rolled the dice and spy on the colors in the classroom and say them. Well done, Meadow!

Thank you for this week. Some kids are still not feeling well. Please keep warm and rest on the weekend. See you next week.