Hello everyone,
This week, the weather was good but freezing in the morning. We enjoyed playing indoors and outdoors. We went for a walk and kept our bodies warm. Rainbow students enjoyed strolling and found autumn on our way to the park. They learned to be Principled by following the rules when walking. At the park, they enjoyed chasing each other and then started playing with the play structure. They have grown up and can climb the play structures by themselves.

Gym lesson
We started the lesson by warming up and stretching. Then, they engaged in exercises and imitated animal movements. They pretended to be snakes, rabbits, and otters and did those animals’ gestures. This week, we used the mattress to crawl in and out. They had a blast.

Dance Practice for the Christmas Show
The holiday season is just around the corner, and our little dancers have been working hard to prepare for the much-anticipated Christmas show! 🎄✨ From fun festive songs to colorful costumes, everyone is excited to share their hard work with family and friends. Here’s a sneak peek into our dance practice journey.
クリスマス ショーのダンス練習
ホリデー シーズンがもうすぐそこまで来ています。私たちの小さなダンサー達は待ち遠しいクリスマス ショーに向けて一生懸命練習しています! 🎄✨ 楽しい曲やカラフルなコスチュームなどなど。一生懸命練習した成果を家族や友達と分かち合うのを楽しみにしています。私たちのダンス練習の旅を少しだけご紹介します。

This week, we learned the Alphabet I and its phonics. We sang the alphabet song and learned some words that start with “I” like ink, insect, igloo, and iguana. Our students actively participated in the activity and pronounced the words well. Well done, Rainbow!
今週はアルファベット I とそのフォニックスを学びました。アルファベットの歌を歌い、インク、昆虫、イグルー、イグアナなど「I」で始まる単語を学びました。生徒たちは活動に積極的に参加し、単語を上手に発音しました。よくできました、レインボー!

We learned and recognized numbers 1-10. Rainbow students are good at counting numbers and they eager to come in front and match the correct number on the wall.
私たちは 1 から 10 までの数字を学び、識別しました。レインボーさん達は数字を数えるのが得意で、前に出て壁に書かれた正しい数字を一致させようと熱心に取り組んでいます。

Before we end the day, we reflect on what we did the whole day. Rainbow students love talking and sharing their ideas and opinions. They impressed their teachers by showing their best to sit nicely. They know how to listen to the speaker and respect others.

November Birthday Party
All students and teachers gathered in the music room for a birthday party. We celebrated the 3rd birthday one of our dear student. Everyone sang happy birthday for him and he was so delighted receiving a birthday card from his teacher. We cherish for your future and we are excited to see your growth every day. Happy happy birthday.
11 月の誕生日パーティー
全生徒と先生が音楽室に集まり、誕生日パーティーを開きました。レインボーでも愛する生徒の 3 歳の誕生日を祝いました。みんなで彼のためにバースデーソングを歌い、彼は先生からバースデーカードをもらってとても喜んでいました。私たちはあなたの将来を大切にし、あなたの日々の成長を見るのが楽しみです。お誕生日おめでとう。

Stay tuned with us for more of our fun learning and engaging activities. Thank you for this week. Keep warm and have a wonderful weekend.