Hello wonderful parents and friends,
Mornings and nights are getting cooler. Kids are also prone to getting sick. This week, some of our students have a runny nose but they are all active every day. Playing outdoors is a fantastic way for our students to build their immunity and stay healthy during this season. We walked to the park to stimulate circulation and immune function, which help ward off sickness. Meadow students practiced being principled by following the teachers’ instructions to prevent the risk of danger. They raised their hands when crossing the road and stopped when cars came. We spent almost half an hour playing, sliding down the slide, and chasing each other. They had their bodies kept warm and burned off calories.

Park Day
Meadow students were excited to get on the bus to the park. The weather was perfect for strolling around the park, and we took a little time to walk to our target play area. We saw trains passing by, played with the fallen dried leaves, looked for dandelions, and chased each other. They had a blast and were longing to go again next time.

We started our lesson about the “Parts of the Body”. We sang the “Head, shoulders, knees, and toes song before we introduced the lesson and the students enjoyed singing while the tempo was getting faster. We introduced the body parts by showing the flashcards of the Head, shoulders, knees and toes eyes, ears, nose and etc. They pointed to their body parts when the teacher showed the flashcard. We also did the activity “sticking on the appropriate body parts on the wall” Well done, Meadow😊
「体の部位」のレッスンを始めました。レッスンを始める前に「Head, shoulders, knees, and toes」を歌いました。テンポが速くなるにつれて、どんどん盛り上がり生徒たちは大興奮でした!それから頭、肩、膝、つま先、目、耳、鼻などのフラッシュカードを見せて体の部位を紹介します。先生がフラッシュカードを見せると、生徒たちは自分の体の部位を指さしました。また、「適切な体の部位を壁に貼る」アクティビティも行いました。よくできました、メドウ😊

“Here’s to more joyful days and tiny adventures. See you in our next post!”
Keep warm and enjoy your weekend.
Here are the songs we are singing this month. Enjoy watching, singing and dancing together with the kids