Hello dear parents and friends,
The temperature drops down in mornings and nights. Kids are prone to sickness so as much as possible we always keep our students stay active and healthy. We went to the park on foot for two days in a row and our students had a blast seeing the change of nature on our way to the park. Mornings are freezing but they kept their bodies warm running at the park and climbing up and down the play structures. They practiced being principled by taking turns and waited for their turns. They burned off a lot of calories and went back to school tired and hungry. They ate their lunch fast and slept as soon as they got on their bed.

There is no such happiness as playing outdoors. One of the days this week, we went to the park by bus. This is the last chance to see the beautiful scenery of different colors of leaves before they all fall down. Autumn is fun , and kids were busy picking up acorns and dried fallen leaves.They brought them home and showed to their parents. Boys and girls were also thrilled seeing the trains passing by and climbing up and down the hill.

This week, we learned the Alphabet ”F“ and its sound. We gave some examples of F sounds and our students actively particiated in pickig up the plashcards and show them in front of their friends. Some of the F sounds are F−F−F flower, fish, frog, fruits, fire. Well done, Meadow😊
今週はアルファベットの「F」とその音を学びました。Fの音の例をいくつか挙げると、みんな積極的にフラッシュカードを持ちお友達の前で見せました。Fの音は…F−F−F flower, fish, frog, fruits, fireなど。よくできました、メドウ😊

Meadow students are kind and caring to their friends. When some friends have runny nose, they give a tissue to clean their nose, worry when friends cry and always notice when some friends are away. They also have fun playing together in the classroom playing with their favorite toys. Having the freedom and choosing what they want to do, give them the feeling of satisfaction and happiness.

Burning off calories and keeping their bodies warm and staying healthy during the gym day.

Learning body parts
We sang the song Head, shoulders knees and toes and did the activity pointing the parts of their bodies and spying their friends body parts. They counted their fingers and toes with their big voice. Well done, Meadow😊
体の部位を学ぶ今月のテーマに沿い、粘土で顔のパーツを作ったり、♪Head, shoulders knees and toesという歌を歌い、体の部位を指差したり、友達の体の部位を探したりするアクティビティをしました。子どもたちは大きな声で指とつま先を数えました。よくできました、メドウ😊

We have done our parents and teachers conference this week. To dear parents, thank you so much for allotting your time and we were glad talking a lot about your children‘s growth.
Stay tuned with us for more of our daily learning and fun.
Keep warm and have a fantastic weekend.