Hello, wonderful parents and friends. Happy New Year to all! We were delighted to see the students back at school after a long break. Students shared their stories about their families during the holiday. They were glad to see their friends and enjoyed playing together. They had a smooth return after the holiday, doing their morning routine, good sleep, and managing their separation anxiety.
Getting back in motion in the gym.
The New Year brings a fresh start, and after a restful day, it’s the perfect time to get our little ones moving again. Kids burned off their energy and improved their focus and mood. The gym instructor introduced an activity that made them excited and ready to move. They listened to the instructions and moved as the teacher asked them. They showed confidence while stretching, and jumped over the rope following friends in one direction.

Transportation lesson
We introduced a new topic for this month “Transportation”. We asked them what are the examples of transportation and we didn’t give any hints. Some students say… car, police car, fire engine. We were amazed at being knowledgeable they are. We showed them the flashcards gradually and asked them to guess what transportation they were. They listened quietly while we watched the video about transportation. Well done, Rainbow.

Learning Phonics K and L.

Some students may have set goals for themselves this New Year. We notice how they have grown and been challenged to new things. Some of them were confident and responsible for doing things by themselves. Good luck and we are cheering for you.
Dear parents, let’s work together this year and stay tuned and involved in your children’s journey.
Stay safe in these cold months. Please wear appropriate clothing, do proper handwashing, and manage the winter illnesses.
Stay warm and have a wonderful weekend.