In gym class the students have started preparing for Sports Festival. This year Milky Way has a lot to do. Not only do we have the performance, but the race is a bit longer and now they are doing a relay race. They are very excited and we are going to work hard but have fun every step of the way!

We are continuing to do our morning exercises every day before morning routine and we have recently added yoga to the list of things they can choose from. It’s been a lot of fun introducing new poses and joining along.

The students were preparing for their summative assessment at the beginning of the week. Thursday and Friday they started the activity. They worked in pairs taking turns being a doctor using a health kit that they made. The doctor would ask their patients several questions about their habits. The doctors would fill out a survey and then give the patients any recommendations that they need to improve their healthy habits. If they answered yes to all the questions they would get a congratulations card meaning they had good habits. Over the weekend they did the same activity with their parents. The parents then had a feedback card to send back to school about how the students did. It’s a great way to get the whole family involved as well.
木曜日と金曜日は、Healthy Kitを使ってお医者さんになり、パートナー(患者さん)にインタビューする練習を行いました。
「Feedback card」には、ご家庭でアクティビティを行った感想を自由に書いてください。

We have also included pictures from the park.

We hope you all have a wonderful and safe weekend!