


Hello, Ireland! Milky Way 11/27/12/1

Hello everyone and welcome back to Milky Way’s weekly blog!


Everyone in Milky Way was excited for Friday to come because we invited their friend’s dad to be our guest speaker and talk about their country’s culture, which is Ireland. We got to travel to Ireland from ISN using google maps. First we stopped in Dublin which is the capital of Ireland and it is where their friend’s grandparents live. They were surprised when they saw the house of his grandparents and the house where his dad lived before. It’s so cool travelling online! Since everybody loves reading, they were also able to hear one of the famous stories in Ireland, The Adventures of Shamrock Sean. After that, they made a craft which is a leprechaun’s hat. Leprechaun is a mischievous elf of Irish folklore that some believe will reveal where treasure is hidden if caught. They also loved the big balloon shamrock, the Dublin flag, and the Ireland hats. They also asked some questions about Ireland like “Why is the Ireland flag color green, white, and orange? Why there’s no snow in Ireland? Why is Ireland green?”. Thank you so much to our guest speaker for your time and effort. We really appreciate it. Milky Way had so much fun and learned a lot about Ireland!

今週のミルキーさん達は、金曜日がくるのを心待ちにしていました😊クラスのお友達のお父さんをゲストスピーカーとして招き、出身国のアイルランドの文化についてお話してもらったからです✨Google mapを使って、ISNからアイルランドへと旅立ちました。アイルランドの首都はダブリンで、お友達のおじいちゃんおばあちゃんが住んでいます。実際のお家も見ることができ、みんなびっくりしていました。ネットで旅ができるなんてすごいですね!そして、アイルランドで有名なお話のひとつ、「シャムロック・ショーンの冒険」の読み聞かせもしてくれました。その後、レプラコーンの帽子を作りました。レプラコーンはアイルランドの民話に登場するいたずら好きな妖精で、捕まえると宝の隠し場所がわかると信じられています。また、大きな風船のシャムロックや、ダブリンの旗、アイルランドの帽子も持ってきてくれ、みんな大喜びでした。アイルランドの国旗の色はなぜ緑、白、オレンジなの?なぜアイルランドには雪がないの?なぜアイルランドは緑がいっぱいなの?と、いくつか質問をすることもできました。ゲストスピーカーのお父さん、本当にありがとうございました!!ミルキーさん達は楽しくアイルランドについてたくさん学ぶことができました😊!

Milky Way did some research on the country they chose last week. For the first time, they used a computer and searched on google about the meaning of the country’s flag, traditional food, clothing, and language. They worked together as a team to do their task. For example, one tells the spelling of the word to type, one is writing on the research sheet, one is drawing the picture. They haven’t finished their research yet, so they will continue doing it next week and have a presentation of their work.


On Thursday, we experienced watching a circus performance here in school. They were very amazed at how the circus performers did some juggling tricks, pantomime, tap dance, and when one of them started walking on stilts and became very tall. What a wonderful and fun experience!


We also had a birthday party and three of our friends celebrated their 6th birthday! Happiest birthday to you, girls! We hope you had a great time at your birthday party!


The temperature is getting colder now, so we make sure that they have time to move their bodies, do some exercise, walk to the park, and play at the playground.


That’s all for this week! Thank you for reading our blog and have a wonderful weekend!


TOP / 南松本プレスクール / Hello, Ireland! Milky Way 11/27/12/1