Hello everyone!
It was a cold week with snow falling, but our children were full of energy. We are always amazed at the power of the Rainbow children to turn any weather or environment into an element of play and adventure. One child touched the thin layer of snow, rolled it up, and chased after the teacher with a playful attitude. Another child, her face red with the cold wind, enjoyed the playing structure.

This month’s topic is “Transporations”. Our children love this topic and already knew many of them. After reviewing and practicing the words in Japanese and English, they memorized them in no time. I was reminded that people (both children and adults) are motivated and focused on learning that interests them and absorb things quickly.
On a sunny day, we went for a walk to the park. Before leaving, we asked the children, “If you find any transportations during your walk or in the park, will you tell the teachers?” And… our children responded immediately! “Ms.Sayuri! A car! It’s a white car!” “Ms.Chifumi! There’s a bicycle!” They found and told us about one vehicle after another. With perfect timing, airplanes and helicopters flew in the sky, and trains passed by in the distance. It was a fun walk (playing in the park) full of discoveries, including garbage trucks, taxis, and trucks. At the evening meeting the next day, when we asked the children about the transporations they had seen during their walk or in the park the day before, they looked for the vehicles they had actually seen on their flash cards and presented them in front of everyone. I was also surprised at how well they remembered them. Well, done!

カードゲームを楽しみました。ひとつは乗り物カードを使ったカルタのような遊びで、Mr. Bobbyが英語で言う乗り物のカードを探して拾いMr.Bobbyに渡しました。自分が一番たくさん取るぞ!とばかりにみんな一生懸命でした。全員が少なくとも一枚を取り満足気でした。自分で出来た喜びや成功体験は自己肯定感を高めます。何事にも自信を持って取り組んで欲しいです。
We enjoyed playing card games. One of them was a KARUTA-like game using Transporation cards. We had to look for the cards that Mr. Bobby called out in English, pick them up, and hand them to Mr. Bobby. Everyone was trying their best to get the most! Everyone got at least one and looked satisfied. The joy of doing something themselves and the experience of success increase self-esteem. I want them to approach everything with confidence.

Another card game was the “copy game.” Our children had to imitate the poses of the monkeys on the cards. They tried to imitate the movements and funny expressions. The children are innocent, honest and cute. The smiles and expressions of the children when they are absorbed in something are truly wonderful. We would like to develop play and learning while paying attention to each child’s interests.

Have a nice weekend!