Hi everyone!
It’s a short week for our little ones but full of fun-learning activities!✨
For our “Sea Animals” lesson, we did Math counting activity. We counted the sea animals and encircled the correct number. Excellent job!!!⭐
みなさん、こんにちは! 短い一週間でしたが、子ども達は楽しく学びました!「海の生物」の学習では数を数えるアクティビティーで、海の生き物の数を数え、該当する数字に〇を書く活動をしました。すごく良くできました!!!

We made a beautiful and big acquarium! Our youngsters put their Rainbow fish craft in it! They also picked a sea animal from the mystery box and did shadow matching.🌊

For our alphabet lesson, we discussed letters K, L, M, N, and O. We enumerated the words starting with each letter.
We also had a review from letters A-J.💡

Have a wonderful long weekend everyone!!!🌟