This week is kind of short, nevertheless the Meadow Class did great activities by far.
We had a swimming lesson at the central pool. It’s good to see our youngsters showing their appreciation by saying, Onegaishimasu before the lesson and, Arigatou Gozaimasu after the lesson. This week was only their second time to get in the pool, but they feel accustomed already. Well done, Meadow 👍.
This is the first time we saw the colorful parachute in the gym. Everyone was excited to get onto it. We are excited for the upcoming Sports Festival.

For the alphabet, we have been learning letters P, Q, and R alongside Sea Animals.
アルファベットのアクティビティでは海の生き物と同時にP, Q, Rを引き続き学んでいます。

Have a fantastic and safe long weekend.