


Some days are simply meant for playing! MW 5/13-17

The most awaited bus trip finally happened on Thursday! Milky Way students came to school with their big smiles and backpack loaded with their lunch box and other stuff needed for the best bus trip ever. We went to two different parks with various play structures which we don’t have in the parks we go to regularly. That’s why they were so excited to try all of them. We were so lucky that no other kids were playing at the park and they were able to use all the play structures as much as they wanted. Most of them enjoyed the long roller slide and trampoline. Eating lunch made by their parents was very memorable too and they proudly said “My mom/dad cooked it for me!”.


Aside from playing in the playground, we also played team games such as sack race and carrying the ball. It was their first time to play it, but they tried their best to work with their team. We walked around the park until we reached the “WELCOME TO SHINSHU” area, walked on the letters, and rolled down the grassy slope. Watching the airplane and helicopter landing and taking off in front of us was another amazing experience. Everybody had so much fun on their bus trip. “I had fun today, because we played all day!”

遊具以外にも、サックレースやボール運びレースも楽しみました。チームに分かれて協力するレースで、初めてやったミルキーさん達でしたが、ペアやチームのお友達と力を合わせて頑張っていました😊少し歩いて「WELCOME TO SHINSHU」の場所まで行き、文字の上を歩いたり、芝生の坂道を転がったり。目の前で飛行機やヘリコプターが飛び立ったり着陸するのを見たのも素敵な体験でした✨”今日は一日中遊んで楽しかった!”と、とても楽しいバストリップになったようです✨お弁当などのご用意、ありがとうございました!!

On Monday, we continued to practice reading magic e words (o-e). We did a “Make a Word” activity wherein students had to use the letters given to them to make the word after the teacher showed the picture of the magic e word. Thinking of each sound that makes the word, they were able to spell the word correctly.


Our Unit of Inquiry 2 has just started which is about “Plants”. What is a plant and not a plant? We went outside for a scavenger hunt and by looking at the real things outside, they were able to identify what the plant is and not. We discussed it in the class and after comparing the pictures of plants and not plants, they found out that a plant can have flowers, leaves, roots, stem or trunk.


In Unit of Inquiry 1, we started to explore LOI2: Habits that keep us healthy and have good wellbeing by doing the prior knowledge assessment activity “Good Choice or Bad Choice”. Most of them already have the idea what are the habits that are good for them, make them happy, make them healthy, and safe for them.


That’s it for this week! Thank you for reading our blog and have a wonderful weekend!


TOP / 南松本プレスクール / Some days are simply meant for playing! MW 5/13-17