It’s October and Halloween season is here! As part of the celebration, our little ones made a spooky spider using their tiny hand prints! It was painted with a black paint, and they stamped it on the paper. They also put spider’s scary eyes!🕷️
It was a happy day in our Music class as our youngsters learned new sets of fun-beautiful songs! They loved and enjoyed singing, dancing, and clapping their hands!🎵🎶
“I’m a little tea pot”と言う曲では、ティーポットに変身して踊っている姿がとても可愛いです💓

Everyone had a lot of fun doing various exercises at the gym such as: stretching, running back and forth, dancing, chasing one another, jumping like a rabbit, and rolling on the mat like a potato!

Autumn season is here!!!🍂
It was a perfect season, time, and weather to go and play at the park! This time, we went to a different park which is quite far from school. It was a good exercise too as we take a walk for about 15 minutes! While we were on our way to the park, we enjoyed seeing wonderful sceneries outside. It was also a better way to discover things!✨

Have a great weekend everyone!❤️