Hello wonderful parents and friends,
Christmas is in the air! We are excited to welcome the holiday season with a smile and the upcoming big school event, “The Christmas Show.” We started our practice, and Meadow students loved the rhythm of “Jingle Bell Rock.” They moved their bodies to the rhythm and had fun dancing. We praised them for every effort they made, and that motivated them more to participate.
クリスマスの雰囲気が漂っています。私たちは、ホリデーシーズンと、間もなく始まる大きなイベント「クリスマスショー」を笑顔で迎えることにワクワクしています。練習を始めると、メドウの生徒たちは「ジングル ベル ロック」のリズムを気に入りました。彼らはリズムに合わせて体を動かし、楽しく踊っていました。私たちは彼らの努力を一つ一つ褒め、それが彼らの参加意欲をさらに高めました。

We started our new lesson about Clothes. We introduced the clothes name by showing the flashcard. Our students raised their hands and actively participated in the activity. They clothed the girl on the wall and matched to appropriate body part.

The weather was perfect and we strolled to the nearest park at school. Meadow students enjoyed talking while walking until we got to the park. They have grown up and have more energy to walk for a long distance without giving up. They were able to take turns with their friends in the play structure and have fun moving their bodies.

Gym Day
There were freezing mornings this week. We wanted to keep our students by spending their energy indoors and outdoors. We spent the gym lesson comfortably and we did a new activity. Ms. Airi prepared the rope and the students jumped over as if it was a wiggling snake. They could follow the rules moving in one direction to avoid bumping into other friends. Well done, Meadow!

There was a puppet show that happened at school this week. Meadow students carried their chairs to the Milky Way Classroom and were thrilled about what’s gonna happen. The story was interesting and they could focus and sit for a long time. They couldn’t keep their eyes away in front.

The Christmas Show is fast approaching. Please keep warm and we are looking forward to seeing you next week for our fun dance practice and rehearsal. Have a fantastic weekend.
クリスマス ショーが近づいてきました。暖かくしてお過ごしください。来週の楽しいダンスの練習とリハーサルでお会いできるのを楽しみにしています。素晴らしい週末をお過ごしください。