


Teamwork! Milky Way 7/17-21

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much!” by Helen Keller

「独りではほんの少しのことしかできない。一緒ならたくさんのことができる!」by ヘレン・ケラー

This week, we did various activities that encouraged our class to show teamwork or working together. We talked about how they played the games or did the activities, and discussed how they can do better or improve next time. This way, they can also improve communication and thinking skills.


In our Phonics, we played Scavenger Hunt wherein the teacher showed the “nk” picture and students had to look for the appropriate word around the classroom to match the picture. 

フォニックスレッスンでは、Scavenger Huntのゲームをしました。 “nk”のつく単語の絵を見せ、その絵に合った単語を教室のあちこちから探すゲームでした。みんな一生懸命単語を読んで探していました😊

During our outdoor pool play, we played Pass the Water relay. Each group did their best not to spill the water while passing it to the bottle of their teammates. We also played Sight Words Basketball. It helps them to review and remember sight words while enjoying the activity.

園庭でのプール遊びでは、「Pass the Water relay」をしました。チームのお友達のボトルに、水をこぼさないように慎重に入れていました!また、Sight Wordsバスケットボールもしました🏀アクティビティを楽しみながら、Sight Wordsの復習にも役立ちました😊

We also played Fingertip Hula Hoop. In this game, children stand in a circle and raise their arms then extend their index fingers. Students must maintain a fingertip on the hula hoop at all times, but are not allowed to hook their finger around it or otherwise hold the hoop; the hoop must simply rest on the tips of their fingers. The challenge is for them to lower the hoop to the ground without dropping it. 

「Fingertip Hula Hoop」も行いました。このゲームでは、子ども達は輪になって立ち、腕を上げて人差し指を伸ばします。指先は常にフラフープについていなければいけなく、指をフープに引っ掛けたり、フープを持ったりしてはいけません。ゴールはフープを落とさずに床まで下ろすことです!

Another activity we did was the Build It Challenge. The main objective of the game is to build a tall tower with the help of the available resources such as blocks and recyclable materials available in the class. The team that is able to construct the most stable and the highest tower is declared the winner of the game. 

もうひとつのアクティビティは「Build It Challenge」です。このゲームでの課題は、ブロックやリサイクル材などを使って高いタワー作ることでした。安定した、高いタワーを作ることができたチームが勝ちとなります。

At the end of the day, we learned that showing teamwork is more important than winning the game or challenge. That teamwork or working together is more important be


Teamwork will help kids communicate with others, increase their social skills and self-confidence, and help them to develop into happier adults.


One thing that Milky Way loves to do is making crafts. It’s summer, so we came up making crafts related to the season. They made paper hand fans, drinks, and ice cream. We provide them with various materials and let them choose the materials they need after imagining how to make them. They also made crafts related to our phonics lesson “nk words” such as tank, oink, pink, ink, etc. Let’s take a look at their masterpieces!



We visited Aurora class to share the tomatoes we harvested from our garden. We are happy that most of them raised their hands when we asked who wants to have tomatoes. Thank you, Aurora! We are looking forward to going to other classes and sharing tomatoes with them!


That’s all for this week! Thank you for reading our blog and have a wonderful weekend!


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