
Minami Matsumoto Preschool

Minami Matsumoto Preschool

The first step! – Rainbow 25th-28th February (はじめの一歩!)




Hello everyone.

February has passed in the blink of an eye, and there is only a little less than a month left of life in the Rainbow Class. Looking back, the Rainbows have shown us a beautiful and varied landscape with the same clarity as the changing of the seasons. Their life in the school, which began with small steps, has become a steady pace with each step, and they have gained confidence and courage to take new steps. A step towards a new topic that starts every month, a step towards meeting new people, a step towards starting new toys and playing, a step towards a new park. Through a series of small but big steps, they have adventured, made mistakes, overcome their weaknesses… and the Rainbows are what they are today. We are proud of them who are growing up healthy and flexible in mind, body, and thinking.

We walked to a park a little further away. It was a new place for the Rainbows, with large playground and playing structure. Our children were very excited. Watching them climb the new playground equipment, I was deeply moved that they were taking another step up.

今月のトピック「家族」は子ども達にやる気や幸福感を与えてくれる話題でした。今週は家族構成について触れ、家族に関する単語を学び、数の概念を復習しながら活動をしました。Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Babyなどの複数のカードを床に置き、名前を呼ばれた子から、自分の家族構成を考えながら必要なカードを集め、クラスのみんなに説明する活動を行いました。みんな、大好きな家族のメンバーを考えながらカードを集めていました。印象深かったのは、誰一人として自分をBabyと認識している子がいなかったことです(弟や妹のいる子はBabyのカードを拾いました)。子ども達の認識の通り、もう彼らは赤ちゃんではありません!ママやパパのお手伝いができ、兄弟のお世話ができ、おじいちゃんやおばあちゃんを笑顔にできる、素晴らしい家族の一員なのです。よくできました!

This month’s topic, “Family,” was a topic that motivated and made our children happy. This week, we touched on family structures, learned family-related vocabulary, and reviewed the concept of numbers. We placed multiple cards with names such as Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, and Baby on the floor, and when their name was called, they had to think about their family structure, collect the cards they needed, and explain the cards to the rest of the class. Everyone was thinking about their favorite family members as they collected the cards. What was impressive was that not a single child recognized themselves as a baby (those with younger brothers and sisters picked up a baby card). As our children realized, they are no longer babies! They are now part of a wonderful family, able to help mommy and daddy, take care of their siblings, and make grandma and grandpa smile. How wonderful!


With a focus on practicing putting on and taking off clothes and strengthening the fine motor skill, our children are playing puzzle games and doing activities such as undoing buttons and opening and closing zippers. They are trying hard, thinking and coming up with creative solutions.


A birthday party was held for February, and Ms.Chifumi made the event a success. All of the Rainbows are already 3 years old, so there were no eligible children this month, but everyone celebrated their friends and enjoyed the birthday party!

Have a nice weekend!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Rainbow / The first step! – Rainbow 25th-28th February (はじめの一歩!)