We are nearing towards the end of Unit 5 and so far the Milky Way kids are enjoying our exploration about the world of animals and their life cycles.

This was such a fun unit for the students because they get to know more about interesting animals and living things. This week we continued our lesson about the six animal groups. The students learned about the amusing facts, unique characteristics, and life cycles of the animals in each group. The class

In Math, we have finished our lesson on patterns this week. All the students were able to complete patterns and even made their own! Our last activity for this lesson is for the students to create a pattern using different craft materials. The students practiced both their creative skills and fine-motor skills in this activity.

In Phonics, we are learning about the past tense of verbs. We started this lesson with regular verbs. The students learned that by adding -d or -ed at the end of action words, they can transform them into past tense. These exercises help the students expand their vocabulary which is helpful for their communication skills.

Until next week! Thank you for keeping up with the Milky Way!