
Minami Matsumoto Preschool

Minami Matsumoto Preschool

This is my Family-Meadow (February 10th-14th)

Hello wonderful parents and friends,

This week, Meadow’s class enjoyed exploring our “Family” lesson. Kids love to talk about their families and count with their fingers how many are in their families. We provided a piece of paper and the students drew their families. Before we labeled their drawing, we asked them who are they? and they were able to say and point to mom, dad, brother, sister, and baby. They also brought the drawing of their family handprints and we asked each student to come in front and tell us about the drawing. We taught them the word “Big” and “small”. They compared their handprints with their families and said “My dad and mom have big hands!” “I have a small hand”.


今週、Meadow’sクラスは 「Family 」のレッスンを楽しみました。子どもたちは自分の家族について話したり、家族の人数を指で数えたりするのが大好きです。まずは家族の絵。家の形が描かれたプリントに、思い思いに家族を描いてもらいました。その絵をみながら子どもたちに「これは誰かな?」と尋ねると、パパ、ママ、お兄ちゃん、お姉ちゃん、赤ちゃん!などと指差して教えてくれます。また、お家で描いてもらった手形は、「Big」と「Small」という言葉を教えながらみんなで一緒に見ました。生徒たちは自分の手形と家族の手形を比べて、「お父さんとお母さんの手は大きい!Big!」「私の手は小さい!Small!」と嬉しそうに話してくれました。

Dear parents, thank you for cooperating with us and sending us your family photos. You all have beautiful family photos, and the kids love looking at them every time. They introduced their family photos in front of their friends and named them. They pointed out “Dad, mom, grandmother, grandfather, baby, brother and sister.” They are inspired by looking at them anytime, on the wall.

そして、素敵な素敵な家族写真!お忙しい中お送りいただきましてありがとうございました。自慢の家族写真、子ども達は満面の笑みで眺めています✨お友だちの前で、これはお父さん、お母さん、おばあちゃん、おじいちゃん、赤ちゃん、お兄ちゃん、お姉ちゃん …と誇らしげに紹介してくれた子どもたち。最後は室内の壁に飾り、いつでもみんなで家族写真を見ることができるようにしてあります💛

We learned the Alphabet “H” and some words that start with it like Hippo, hand, hat, and helicopter. Our students participated actively and were knowledgeable answering to the the Teacher’s question. Well done, Meadow!

アルファベットの 「H 」と、Hippo、hand、hat、helicopterなど 「H 」から始まる単語を学びました。みんな積極的に参加し、先生の質問にも的確に答えていました。よくやったね、メドウ!

They brought home their Valentine craft. Kds enjoyed making it and they were excited to hand them to mom and dad. Please give them a big hug when they say “I love you!” Happy Valentine!

Thank you for this week. Please keep keep warm and enjoy your weekend.



TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Meadow / This is my Family-Meadow (February 10th-14th)