Hello everyone,
It has been a lovely week spent with Meadow students. How time flies, and January is over. There are one and a half months left and counting, and some students will step up to Aurora class. We notice how they have grown and they develop a lot of confidence in doing their task and their learning. In Circle time, our students love singing and dancing and participating in the activities. They always compete when the teacher says “Who has the biggest voice?”. And they sing as loud as they seem losing their voice and exerting effort in singing. Meadow students are reflective by showing their strength through experience. They were motivated to show their best by observing other friends and they imitated what they were doing to impress everyone. Well done, Meadow!
気が付けば1月も終わり。2ヶ月後には何人かの生徒がオーロラクラスにステップアップします。子ども達の成長に気づき、課題や学習に自信を深め過ごす毎日。サークル タイムでは、みんなで歌ったり踊ったり、アクティビティに参加したりするのが大好きです。先生が「誰が一番大きな声を出せる?」と言うと、いつも競い合い大きな声で歌ってくれます。メドウさん達は、経験を通して自分の力を発揮することで、振り返り(reflective)をしています。お友達を観察することで、自分のベストを見せようという意欲が湧き、彼らがやっていることを真似してみんなを感心させようとしています。素晴らしい🌟!

This week, we had a fun inquiry about transportation. We sang the song “Driving on My Car” and they pretended to drive the bike, airplane, car, and splash the boat. read a book, watched a video, and did the matching activity. They could name most of the transportation names and match the missing half-part of it.
今週は、乗り物に関する新しいアクティビティを楽しみました。「Driving on My Car」という歌を歌い、生徒たちは自転車、飛行機、車を運転したり、ボートを水しぶきを上げたりする真似をしました。また絵本やビデオを見たり、マッチング遊びもしました。乗り物の名前もたくさん言えるようになり、その半分が欠けている部分もマッチングできました。

We went to the park by bus with the Rainbow students. Meadow burns off calories running here and there in a huge area. Our students were thrilled to see trains passing by. They were curious about what they saw on the ground and they kept on digging and playing with the soil.

Number activity
We reviewed numbers 1-5 and did the pom poms activity. Meadow focused their attention on the wall and was thrilled to participate in the activity. They counted the number and stuck on the appropriate number of pom poms needed. You did it, Meadow!
1 から 5 までの数字を復習し、ポンポンのアクティビティを行いました。みんな壁に注目し、アクティビティに参加できてうれしそうです。数字を数えて、必要な数のポンポンを貼りました。とっても上手にできました!

Birthday Party
All classes gathered in the music room and celebrated the Birthday of January celebrators. We had one celebrator from our class. He looked happy to have his birthday crown and a birthday card remembrance from his teachers. You have grown up and we are excited for your future. Let’s play, learn and grow. We love you!
全クラスが音楽室に集まり、1 月の誕生日会をしました。先生から誕生日の王冠とカードをもらってうれしそうでした🩷日に日に大き育っているメドウのみんな。私たちはそんなみんなの将来を楽しみにしています。遊び、学び、成長しましょう。みんなの事が大好きだよ🥰!

A lovely day playing in the yard

Thank you for reading. We are looking forward to your presence at our open day on Monday. Have a nice weekend.