


We are the Little Entomologists-Shooting Star-July 24th-28th

小さな昆虫学者たち 7月24日から28日 Shooting Starクラスより



Shooting Star class has gladly welcomed a new friend who just joined us last week. He is very friendly and cool and in just a matter of days, he got familiar and comfortable with his new environment. He is such a congenial little boy who can easily make friends. Shooting Class class welcomes him warmly.

Shooting Starクラスに、嬉しいことに先週より新しいお友達が加わりました。すぐにお友達と仲良くなり、ほんの数日で慣れて新しい環境に溶け込んでいます。

This week, we continued our exploration about insects. This time, we did an individual research about insects which took place about a week and we called our activity, We Are Bug Hunters”. What we did was, teachers gathered a couple of English and Japanese insect books and photocopy some insect photos and asked students to pick out one for their research. We are the little entomologists in action! Everyone in Shooting Star was so engrossed with their own research which provided them a way to be an independent learner. They needed to research about the insect name, food, and habitat with a little teachers’ assistance to read for them. Some students were able to find the insects easily which gave them the self-confidence and sense of fulfillment while others took time to discover the answer to their research which gave them perseverance on their learning. Before the week was over, everyone was able to comply their task and was able to receive the “Bug Hunter” medal. Well done Shooting Star.

今週、昆虫についての探求の続きをしました。今回、一週間かけて個別の探求をしました。この活動を「虫の探検家」と呼び、次のようなことを行いました。まず先生が英語と日本語の昆虫の本、そして昆虫の写真を用意し、子供達に学びに使う写真を一枚選ぶように言いました。みんなすっかり昆虫学者です!Shooting Starクラスの誰もが自立した学習者である方法の機会をそれぞれ得られ、夢中になっていました。昆虫の名前、餌、住んでいるところを、先生の手助けにより本を読んで調べました。すぐに自信や達成感を持って見つけられる子供達もいる一方、見つけるのに時間が掛かり頑張った子供達もいました。週末前にみんな探求を終え“Bug Hunter”のメダルを貰うことが出来ました。頑張ったね、Shooting Starクラスの子供達。

The Sports Festival is coming in a matter of two months. We began practicing the dance exercise, race, and parachute performance. Every practice, we tried our very best to listen to teachers and follow instructions.


This week, all ISN members gathered together in the Music room to celebrate the birthday of July celebrators. One of the Shooting Star students was one of them! Thank you, Ms. Aiza for hosting the birthday party and for teaching us the steps for Zumba dance.

今週ISNの全クラスのお友達が音楽ルームにあtまり7月生まれのお友達の誕生日を祝いました。Shooting Starクラスの一人のお友達もその一人です!Ms.Aizaが誕生会の係で、ズンバダンスのステップをみんなに教えてくれました。

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.


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