Hello everyone, みなさま、こんにちは!
Welcome to our third blog for the month of January.1月3度目のブログとなります!
This week, we continued our exploration on our unit of inquiry about helpers in our community. On our previous query, we explored some buildings around us and made our own one and displayed them on our map. Moving on, we made a community helper craft and displayed it next to our building. After developing a deeper understanding between buildings and community helpers, we made an individual presentation of their function. Students stood in front of the class with their building and community helper craft and said, This is a (then state the community helper they made). He or she works in a (then state the buildings they made). Example; “This is a doctor. She works in a clinic.” After each presentation, the whole class assessed the presenter with the following criteria, I looked at the audience, I spoke loudly and clearly, and I kept my hands and body still. We talked in class how we assess the presenter before the presentation and the result was first-rate. Everyone was assessed sensibly with positive comments and smiling face emoji. Keep it up, Shooting Star.
今週も引き続きhelpers in our communityについて探求をしました。前回の探求から生まれた疑問を解決するべく、自分たちでISN周辺を探索して得た情報から、自分でCommunity HelperとそのCommunity Helperが働いている建物を選び、折り紙や画用紙で制作活動を行い、出来上がったCommunity Helperと建物をクラスに作った地図に貼りました。その後、更にCommunity Helpersに理解を深めるために、一人ひとりプレゼンを行いました。子ども達は一人ずつ前に立ち、自分が制作したCommunity HelperとBuildingを見せながら”This is a (community helper:例chef/clerk/stamp agent/postman/local pilot/waitress, etc). He or she works in a (clinic/restaurant/post office/train station,clinic,etc)”と大きな声でアイコンタクトをしながら堂々と発表をしました。プレゼン後は、プレゼンが上手にできたかどうかをお互い評価をしました。評価基準は、お友達にお顔を向けたか、はっきりと大きな声で言えたか、動かずに出来たか、の3点です。結果は、見事全員が最高得点を得ることが出来ました!前向きなコメントや笑顔の絵文字を使ってお友達に伝える評価ができました。

Our Gym lesson was full of various physical activities from stretching, rolling, running, down to jumping with a jumping rope. Everyone took part in all the activities with high energy. And the activity that we liked best was the moving train.

Finally, we walked to the park and had lots of fun playing together.

Have a great weekend, everyone.よい週末をお過ごしください。