


What is dime? Milky Way Apr.17th-21st

Hello everyone!


Welcome back to Milky Way’s weekly blog. Here’s a glimpse of what we have done for this week.


In Phonics, we continued to learn about magic e words (i-e) wherein the vowel “i” makes the long sound /i/. We did the Fold and Read activity. First we practiced reading the CVC words written on the paper and folded it to make it a magic e word. We look at a word, say each sound, then blend it together to say the word. We also practiced reading a short story entitled “My Friend Mike”. In reading the story, they encountered some new sight words such as this, my, also, just, he, had, then, and down.

フォニックスでは、母音「i」が長音「/i/」になるマジックEワード(i-e)について引き続き学びました。まず、Fold and Readアクティビティを行いました。紙に書かれたCVCワード(子音+母音+子音の単語)を読む練習をし、それを折りたたんでマジックEワードにしました。単語を見て、それぞれの音を言い、それを併せて発音します。また今週は、「My Friend Mike」というタイトルのストーリーを読む練習をしました。これを読む中で、this, my, also, just, he, had, then, and down などの新しいサイトワードにも出会いました!

While reading magic e words, there’s one word that is very unfamiliar to them which is “dime”. They asked, “What is dime?” It’s a 10- cent coin of America. We showed them a picture of it and even showed Japanese coins and bills. Because of that they got really interested in talking about money. The next day we presented them with various real coins and bills from different countries like the Philippines, America, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, Tanzania and Malawi. They were so amazed seeing different features of coins and bills. Some of them commented that the Philippine bills are colorful and they like them. They also found the smallest coin from South Africa. They were also attracted by the shape of the Hong Kong 2 dollar and 20 cent coins. Now, we set up two trays in our “Discovery/Science Area” with coins and bills so that students will continue to inquire and learn about them.


Children’s Day is coming soon, so our class made a koinobori wreath using paper plates, straw, colorful tapes, paper, and origami. They cut the inside rim of the plate, made a samurai helmet using origami paper, cut the carp shape in a paper, decorated the outer rim of the plate using tapes, and hung the carp in the straw. Here’s their finished product!


They had fun playing at the park, enjoyed trying different ways to play with a ball at the gym, and did their best to practice various skills at playing tennis.


On Thursday, we conducted our first fire drill this school year. Milky Way students are very aware of what to do and how to be safe in case of emergency. They were able to follow the safety rules. Well done!


That’s all for this week! Thank you for reading and have a wonderful weekend!


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