In gym class the students have been practicing Jump Rope. Recently they have been trying to jump in groups of 5 and then near the end of the class the students try to jump all together. It is a challenge but everyone is enjoying it and giving it their best!

For UOI we have finished line of inquiry 2 and are now moving on to the last part of the Unit. For this part the students are using all the tools and resources they have learned over the unit to plan their own celebration. They will decide the theme and all the details needed to create this celebration. We are very excited to see what they come up with for the year end celebration!
そしてこのユニットの最後の課題は、今までの探求で学んだ事を駆使し、Milky Wayクラス独自の祝日を作り上げます!テーマやどんな風にその日をお祝いするのか、何が必要なのかをみんなで相談しながら決めていきます!

The end of the week we went to the park. The students have been working so hard preparing for the Christmas Show and their UOI presentations so we were glad to have the chance to go and play. They also collected items for a craft they will do soon for Fall.

We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!