
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Milky Way & G1 – You got a friend indeed!

This week we kicked off with the start of our summer program. We welcomed new students and had fun making new friends.


We had some great “summer-themed” show and Tell presentations. All about summer festivals, beetle hunting, and boat making.

とても夏らしいShow and Tellをしました❣ 夏祭り、カブトムシ、ボート作りのお話をしてくれました😁✨

We also had a great time with outdoor summer activities. It was great to show our new friends all the exciting things we do at ISN. We tried exciting challenges working together in teams.


This week we also tried something brave and challenging. Continuing our project in helping raise money for the conflict in Ukraine. We tried collecting money at Nagano Station! We had to practice risk-taking and using our communication skills with many new people. Although it was challenging, I think we did a great job, and it was a fun experience.

今週はウクライナ避難民への支援プロジェクトの一貫で勇敢なチャレンジをしました❣ 長野駅で募金活動をしました。 Risk-taker(挑戦する人)になる為の練習とコミュニケーションスキルと使って通りがかりの人へ話しかけてみました😎チャレンジでしたが、みなさん頑張りました。そして、楽しい経験になりましたね✨

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